Puerto Princesa, Palawan: Ugong Rock

Oh my... How will I start this...

Of course we had a very tiring day on our City Tour so we slept so soundly in our very comfortable rented Guesthouse. We woke up early to pack our things for our next tour. I was actually expecting that we will be swimming but no.... we didn't. This tour is more like a sight seeing. No swimming yet for me...lol. Really? I can't swim but I like the feeling of soaking in the water! and floating! FYI! haha...

Of course, we have a Tour Guide, her name is Ate Sharon. What's cool about our tour guides, they are not fluent but they can express themselves clearly using the English Language, as I have observed when some tourists laugh at their jokes...lol! 

On our way we were amazed at the splendid top view of Ulugan Bay, and marvel at the karst limestone mountains and elephant cave. 

The spot is too boring to take a picture so he lifted me up!

The Cave Entrance

A prayer before entering the cave 

Lizards' eggs
Cave's Ceiling

I was so excited! I love arts, and that time when I saw all the rock formations, I fell in love with arts made by nature. Highly incredible. I also learned a lot from this climbing...lol! I learned to twist and turn, I learned to squeeze in and use my flexibility... And the most unforgettable, I learned to climb up with my flipflops on! Imagine that! haha! Why the hell nobody told me that we will go climbing. I'm just thankful that my flipflops made that tour unforgettable...lol!

My cousin became a model, look at his picture at the uppermost part of the wall of fame!

I know I was afraid of heights, but I want to conquer my fear . I decided to experience the zip line. I have chosen the sitting position and my cousin chose the superman flying position as what they call it. I feel so afraid and excited at the same time, like my heart is pumping so loud! I've watched other tourists sliding down on a sitting position and it looks so boring, I decided to come with my cousin and try the superman flying position. I saw my cousin flew like superman and he slid so fast... lol! then it's my turn. I wore my gears and was ready to slide down when I shouted. "Manoooong hindi pa ko readyyyy! Wait mamamatay akooooo! Wag mo ko bita...waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!"  Translation I was about to say the word "bitawan" meaning let go, when that manong (Mister) suddenly let go of me. I closed my eyes because I am so afraid and I feel like dying. Then I noticed that I am slowing down. I found myself amidst the air, seeing a big field below me with trees as small as ants. I may be crazy but I found myself laughing and I am actually talking to myself " Sarap Yehey!." (Feels so good, yehey!) Then I started to move my arms up and down like flapping wings, "I am flying! hihihi!" Then I am getting closer and closer to the end of the zip line. Then I started asking myself, How am I suppose to go down from here?! lol! Stupid me! I started to look for anything to pull like a clutch to slow me down from sliding down so fast but there is none...lol! There are guides waiting at the end of the line to catch us, "we don't want to smash our faces on the ground right! haha!"

Then hunger strikes us. We all gathered where are van was and continued our journey to the Underground River. But we have to stop for a while and eat lunch. 

Sabang Beach
Credit to the owner
After a long ride with other tourist, we had a stop over at Sabang Beach. I saw a lot of tourists enjoying the food at Gusto Grill and Resto, A bamboo made restaurant that offers buffet lunch for tourists. We had our free lunch and our Tour Guide told us that the best way not to be affected by Malaria is to eat and have a full stomach, and if you don't know yet, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the cave, bigger than the normal mosquitoes I always see in Quezon City where I was living that time. That's why our tour guides reminded us to have a mosquito repellent lotion handy.

While looking around I saw group of foreign tourists enjoying the challenge of eating worms hahaha... one of the known exotic food here in the Philippines. We call it Tamilok, a woodworm, but it's not actually a worm, its a mollusk living in the bark of a mangrove tree. View Tamilok

Then just around the corner there are stores where you can buy "Pasalubong," that's how filipino calls a souvenir. It's a big deal. If you don't bring pasalubong to people who welcome you, they'll think you never thought of them while you were away.

Up Next.
Underground River

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